May 24th: In The Garden!

I have to say, the amount of times I’ve had to reschedule this post is far too many times to be able to count!

But finally, today I got my Big Girl Camera out and took some snaps of a few of my favourite things we have growing in our garden! Since beginning my Floristry course, I’ve become a lot more interested in what we have growing out in the backyard along with being quite keen on adding more stuff to it! Mainly succulents at the moment but this will change as Spring begins to greet us closer in September!

So with these two little succulent plants below, they were very graciously given to me by my classmates over the past few weeks, which is so lovely of them to do! And what’s more they’re so easy to replant and then watch them grow and grow!

(PS. Don’t ask me what their names are – I’d have no idea! Ha! 😀)

Succulent1 Succulent2

This next particular one was a fab little find I made late last week! We were over at my brother’s house (which is owned by my parents) and as we were waving goodbye in the car, I was suddenly interested in this bush/shrub thing that’s growing next to their letterbox. So in near darkness, I jumped out of the car (which was stopped btw!) and went over to discover what it was… And to my shear delight is was a treasure trove of a beautifully coloured succulent called Jade. It had beautiful sprays of flowers budding out all around it and was so delightfully soft and flexible to touch! I was so excited by my new find! So I asked permission to snap off a branch so that we could take it home and pot it up into some soil to make it grow and flourish in our own yard! Yay!


A few other favourites that we have growing is a beautifully delicate Maiden Hair Fern that is totally loving life and flourishing perfectly before our eyes!


Another is a few of these Zygo cacti that Dad has been growing. They’ve only just begun to bloom this week!


And lastly is this Teddy Bear Cactus…

TeddyBearCactus TeddyBearCactus2

I bought this as a small plant a few years ago and within that time it has doubled and doubled and doubled in sized that we have at least half a dozen fully matured plants (that are still growing!) dotted all around our backyard in pots of all different kinds! It’s a bit of a bugger of a plant to touch with tiny little spikes that stick to your skin even if you barely brush past it!


So there’s just a little tour of my garden. We do have lots of other things growing here and there like a few Grevillea, Banksia, Lemon Tea Tree and Bottlebrush trees (Australian Natives), as well as a few ferns, a lovely purple/pink Bromeliad that has just begun blooming too along with a Rose bush and a few little Azalea shrubs that love sitting in the sun!

What types of plants do you have in your garden or would like to be able to grow one day? For me, it would have to be either a beautiful Blossom, Jacaranda or Magnolia tree or a lovely full hedge of French Lavender! 🙂

Happy Gardening, Friends!


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Modern Quilter & Fabric Lover. Blogger & YouTube Creator. Florist & Foodie.

8 thoughts on “May 24th: In The Garden!”

  1. Thanks for sharing, you have some really pretty plants. How tall is the Zygo cacti? You have inspired me to check out the local shop to see what is available here. We have a cacti that looks like the Zygo, we call it Christmas Cactus, Spring Cactus, etc.


  2. Unfortunately, I don’t have a garden. Plants come to my house to die. I wish I can grow a garden since I love plants and flowers. Please show us pictures of your other plants especially the Aus. native, bottle brush. Sounds neat and I am curious as to what it looks like. Thank you for sharing your flower arrangements from your class. They’re beautiful.


  3. Hi Amanda! I don’t know if you have a Smartphone, but if you do, there is an app for it that is pretty nifty. It is essentially a “what’s that plant?” app: you take a picture of the plant and the app searches through its database, offers you the best options for identification based on its extensive choices. In case you are interested, here is the address: Oh, and it’s free!


    1. We call them Hens & Chicks in Canada. Sempervivum is the latin. They are so easy to grow with many, many varieties. They hardly need any soil at all and are extremely drought tolerant. LOVE THEM! Your pictures are lovely.


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