
Today, after a very long time, I clicked on a bookmark link on my web browser that’s been patiently waiting for me to give it some attention since early 2019.

That link, dear friends, was to you, here on my ever-faithful little sewing blog.

A few years have gone by with a few quilts made here and a few quilts made there. Some of them life-time favourites and others I can happily forget. (Although, I don’t think there are many of these!) Other projects have been started and then instantly dumped in the ‘I’ll finish this later because another new and shiny project/idea has come along’ and a few skills or obsessions have been discovered! (Hello Machine Embroidery & Dressmaking!)

Nightingale Quilt (2023)
Bear Paw Quilt (2023) & Christmas Quilts (2022)
Machine Embroidering all of my jumpers! (Dino design from Urban Threads)

But no matter what craft, project, idea, discovery, or obsession wanders lazily across my path grabbing my attention like a two-year-old, everything always leads me back to my one true love – making quilts.

Ahh, yes. Quilt making. That sweet, cosy practise of cutting up perfectly woven cotton fabrics into little squares, triangles or hexies and then sewing them all back together again into a design that’s just a little bit more pleasing to the eye.

It’s that giddy thought of having endless possibilities to create something great with just my fingers and brain. To draw out the skills I’ve been honing since I was 16 to master and perfect a nested seam, a faultless HST or a crisp flying geese.

The fun play with colour and clashing print, with texture, size and value, with direction and precision.

The focus and drive that washes over you as you cut, piece, and sew a quilt, embedding it with every inch of love you possess as once it’s finished, you’ll be handing it over to someone you love who will cherish it and care for it always. It’s as though they now have a very small piece of you, a brief, fleeting moment of time from your life that you’ve dedicated or given just to them.

Finishing a quilt makes for a happy Quilter!

Who would of thought the practice of Quilting could be so philosophical and almost…romantic?!

Anyway…moving on.

I’ve wanted to reacquaint myself with my darling blog for ages but the same excuses would always crop up – no time, heavy self-doubt, a lack of motivation, an odd sense of social anxiety, self-questioning, ‘who’s still reading blogs?’ blah, blah, blah, the list goes on. You get the gist.

But a time eventually strikes you, even when you least expected it and you just get on with it. You just do it! No. More. Faffing!

So here we are, on the first day of February 2024(!) and we’re jumping back into the saddle, so to speak. I make no promises of regular written content or anything on here being of any worth. But I do promise, when I do get to write here throughout the year, it’ll always been an honest ramble sharing my eternal love for sewing and quilting and whatever’s going good in the sewing room at that time.

Shall I share with you what’s currently on the Design Wall?

No surprise. It’s a lovely parade of hexie flowers! (Always a sentimental favourite of mine!)

Spot the jelly-baby and nested chick!

The story goes a little something like this…

A friend from church is a missionary in a place called Galmi in Niger, a country in Africa. On their most recent trip home, they gave me a beautifully pieced length of fabric pieced/sewn by local women, expertly made up of left over fabric scraps.

My mind instantly went into overdrive thinking of how I can showcase every little detail of each fabric scrap, highlighting and praising each print in a harmonious way.

And here enters the subtle beauty and economy of the humble hexie flower…

Clashing prints, colours and textures! 😍

By employing a rough fussy-cut approach, I was able to get as much of the ‘good-bits’ as I could. And by ‘good-bits’, I mean perfectly cutting out bright yellow floral prints that sided next to a kitsch jelly-baby/embryo print that then flowed into a gorgeous pastel pink and blue floral. I also wanted to keep the bulky junctions of where two or three clashing prints came together, creating a wonderful push and pull of colour and texture.

So, with each hand-sewn whipstitch, clashing prints and all warm colours of the rainbow, some lovely little flowers have begun to bloom.

I’m currently up to the stage of expertly pairing each hexie flower to a complementing solid background square and then lovingly appliquéing into place using a dab of fabric glue and finishing with a quick straight-stitch whiz around along the edges with the sewing machine.

A tidy-ish pile of the last six hexie flowers to be appliquéd and finished.

As time permits and life settles back into a steady rhythm after the summer holiday break here in Australia, I’ll also gently ease myself back into working on projects that spark the joy and thrill I mentioned earlier. I have a butt-tonne of sewing goals I’d love to accomplish this year – a few include finishing a second Swoon Quilt and making a trendy Quilt Jacket/Coat!

And of course, making the effort to pop up here a few times each month (as well as on my YouTube channelI make sewing room vlogs and the occasional block tutorial video!), connecting, sharing and celebrating my love for all things sewing and quilting!

Happy Sewing, my lovely friends!

Amanda x

An Update From My Sewing Room… #5

Hello Friends!!

I’m back from a brief little hiatus from all things YouTube-y, blog-y and responsibility-riddled! Basically, I just needed a break where I could just relax, recharge, plan, think, dream, play, laugh, swim, eat, game, sew and just enjoy the seasonal atmosphere around me! To be perfectly honest with you, the last few weeks before and after Christmas just seemed to fizzle and crumble around me – I lost concentration, motivation, fun, enjoyment and drive. I found it so hard to dedicate time to my blog while trying my best to get the last of my QAL videos out – the stress almost broke me!! (Plus our crappy Internet decided to die just before Christmas, preventing me from doing anything!! A big con when you work online!) So the break away from everything was very much needed!!

So it’s now a brand new year, lots of fun and exciting things will be happening and I’m ready to face them head-on!!

But first, let’s catchup on some news!

FYI: Because I’ve had a little bit of blackout from my ‘public’ social media places, I’ve been slowly catching up on replying back to all of the messages, comments and emails you’ve sent me over the past few weeks! So I just want to let you know I’m doing my very best to write you back over the next coming days!

Christmas!! I had a lovely quiet and simple day celebrating with family and friends. Boxing day on the other hand, is quite the opposite in our household as it’s my brothers birthday and all the extended family come round and celebrate! The house is crammed full of people, chairs, food, chatter, drinks, tales of the day before, birthday cake, very full bellies and numerous plates and bowls full of leftovers! This year, with the release of the new Star Wars movie (which was brilliant by the way!!) and my brother being a fan, we did a bit of a theme for his birthday lunch! We dived into the crazy merchandise race and bought Star Wars party cups, plates, napkins, balloons, masks and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign to hang up. I also treated my brother to Gold Class Cinema tickets to see the movie together that night as we hadn’t seen it yet! Happy to say he had a great day!


New Year!! I’m quite boring when it comes to celebrating on New Years Eve. We stay home and watch the Sydney fireworks on TV. (A simple night for a simple person!) For the second year running, we took part in our annual Monopoly (Sydney Edition!) game where again, I came last and a parent came first! (No surprise!) Then once the fireworks were over, I was in bed sound asleep by 1am. I party hard! Whoo!!

During my little break away from life, I began a new project! (Like I don’t need another one!!) I woke up one day with this ravenous craving to start sewing a new quilt! I just needed one of those days where you just completely shut yourself off from everything and everyone and loose yourself in your sewing. I knew I wanted to do something with my fabrics scraps and I knew that a technique where I didn’t have to think about it was what I needed, hence the reason why I wanted to use my scraps! I also wanted an element of tradition in the quilt layout. So I poured through all of my block books and found nothing that really screamed at me… Until I came across this quilt…


It’s called ‘Ocean Waves’ from the book Quilts! Quilts!! Quilts!!! (Second Edition) by Diana McClun & Laura Nownes and was perfect for what I had in mind! (I had a tonne of little scrappy bits that I was terribly hoarding and didn’t want to let go of!) So sewing 3″ little triangles together was spot-on for what I wanted to be doing that day! Although the triangles in the original pattern have been sewn with a dark and light colour next to each other, I chose to ignore that with my piecing and blissfully started sewing random triangle to random triangle to random triangle and so on… So the update on this quilt-to-be: I’ve sewn about 20 triangle units together (each block takes 12 units!) and have a great pile of freshly cut 3″ triangles to piece together to make more. I’m quite certain that this will be one of those projects that I’ll keep coming back to over the next year or so when I’ve got nothing else to sew (HA!! As if!!). I’ll just keep casually adding more and more pieced triangle units to the pile until I have enough to construct the many blocks that make up the quilt! I’ll try to keep you updated…

Next, let’s dive into some YouTube news!

Over the break, my channel very excitedly reached the 10,000+ subscribers mark! Yay! (Our little YT community is now just over 11k! So hello to all of you who are new to these parts!) Seriously, I couldn’t be anymore astounded at how many people have chosen to subscribe and watch the videos I upload onto my little channel! The support, encouragement and beautiful words of friendship you leave me make my day, everyday! THANK YOU!!!


So, what’s coming up on the channel you may be thinking… We’ll a few exciting things actually! First of all, this week I’ll be chatting about and showing you my own personal quilt collection! This has been a highly requested video and I thought it would be a wonderfully motivating and quilty way to start off the new year! (I’ll try my best to honour the video requests you all send through to me this year! No promises though, I do get a lot of requests and sometimes things just aren’t possible due to my lack of resources, space, time, people-power and skills!)

Then next week, I’ll be doing two very exciting tutorials featuring a brand new fabric collection from RJR Fabrics called ‘In The Kitchen’ by Patrick Lose. It’s such a fun and vibrant range with some of the sweetest kitchen-y prints that I’ve seen in a long time! And I’ll give you a three-word hint to what one of the projects we’ll be making involves… Foundation Paper Piecing! OooOOoo!!


Now, in regards to my HST Sampler Quilt Along, I will be writing up a wrap-up type blog post in the next couple of days, chatting about the basting and quilting process as well as how to bind and label your quilt. It was something that I wanted to publish last year when the series came to an end but it just didn’t happen, simple as that. And, I also have to show you my finished quilt, which I’ve only really shared in the last video of the series! It turned out to be a beautiful quilt and I’m tremendously happy with the end result! A lot of you who joined in have been sending and tagging me in pictures of your finished quilts and I couldn’t be anymore proud of what you’ve all achieved!! Your quilts are beautiful!!

So a big thanks to everyone who have been keeping in contact with me and who have been sharing their quilts, their blocks, their projects, their skills – their everything! – it’s always wonderful to see what you’ve been getting up to!

And although it’s a bit late, I wish each and everyone of you a very happy, safe and creative New Year!

Happy Sewing, Friends!


2014 Quilting New Year Resolutions

I’m not normally one of those resolution-kind-of-setting people making plans at the beginning of each New Year and then failing two weeks later…

So when I made up my mind to set out some quilting resolutions for 2014, I made sure I would choose goals that I knew I would happily follow through on.

(I may regret this!)

 I start so many new projects each year, each month, each week, each day that it’s absolutely ridiculous!

Worse yet, three quarters of these projects don’t get finished or are ever seen again!

This year, that changes!

I have a total of six quilts that I’ve ‘started’, all at different stages of the quilt-making adventure, that I resolute to FINISH over the course of this year.

I may even go to the point of saying that I need to get all these finished before I start a(nother) new project! (Oh no! Can I take that back??)

 So, there are four quilt tops that are ready to be sandwiched and basted ready for quilting and two stacks of completed blocks that need to be pieced together.

 Some of these quilt tops may seem familiar…


From top left to bottom right –

  • This is a small lap quilt or baby quilt I began two years ago using the Rail Fence block along with some sweet polka-dot fabrics that I was madly in love with at the time. I’m thinking, once I’ve finished it, I’ll put it up for sale in my madeit store. Watch this space!
  • The next one is my Scrap-Happy String Quilt! I accidently made this quilt a whole lot bigger than I originally intended to last year after ‘trying’ to demolish the never-ending growth of my scrap fabric! I freely admit that the size put me off from ever wanting to get it finish. And yet, I know that when I do get around to finishing it, it’s going to be B-E-A-utiful!
  • Two years ago, I tried the endless struggle to not let my fabric scraps overwhelm me! (See previous quilt top!) So when I discovered an awesomely scrappy-kinda-quilt PDF pattern by Anna Maria Horner, I sung out loud the Hallelujah Chorus and pressed print! I have no idea why I didn’t get the chance to finish this little gem: the size is like a lovely cozy lap quilt and I simple adore the crazy mix-match of the prints together! (Hmm, that’s a head scratcher!) But the ball has been set into motion again and this little sweetie will be finished!
  • This would have to be the BIGGEST quilt I have pieced together! Seriously this quilt will be a beast when it’s finished! I remember I found the pattern to this quilt when I had a craving to tackle a quilt featuring curved piecing as well as one where I could only use block colours. Bingo! This quilt was perfect! The original design for this quilt came from Jen Carlton Bailey and her quilt 5-HTP Squared. I started this quilt (named Colourplay) this time last year (January 2013) and I distinctly remember that as it got to the part where I needed to baste and proceed onto quilting, the harsh Australian Summer decided to get even. In that week alone we suffered through 40-45C+ heat. Every. Single. Day. Because of this, I was put-off from quilting it (which I was also internally dreading because of it’s size!) and conveniently forgot all about it until a few weeks ago when I decided to commit to some silly New Year resolutions lark! I know completing this quilt will challenge me. I know that I’ll need to be as strong as an ox to quilt it. And I know that I’ll need to be so much more patient than I already am to reach that moment of completion! I say: bring it on!

 And now onto the quilt blocks that are ready to be pieced!


  • At the top is my stack of Craftsy’s 2012 Block of the Month blocks that have, so unfortunately, been sitting on my sewing table over the past year, yearning out to be finished! This was and still is my very first Sampler slash Block of the Month type of quilt. It symbolises a lot of new skills that I learnt along with some simply wicked modern fabrics that I do and will always love!
  •  Although I identify myself as an Australian, I’m also a self-obsessed Anglophile and absolutely adore the thought of quintessential British living! If given the opportunity to live in another country apart from Australia, I would choose England hands-down! From Sydney to London is my ultimate dream. Full. Stop. Thank you very much! So to help immerse myself into that dream, I started to make some Union Jack paper-pieced blocks with the intention to make a tip-top Britishy quilt all for me! Yeah…obviously that hasn’t happened yet. My quilt in progress was inspired by this quilt made by Amy Smart at Diary of a Quilter.

 Alternatively (833 words later!), you can watch me display and chat about each of these quilts here…

Other Quilting-related New Year Resolutions I’ve got in the bag include –

  • Entering local quilt shows, in particularly the Sydney Royal Easter Show (application form submitted this morning!!) in April and the Sydney Quilt Show in June.
  • Challenging my quilting skills by attempting block patterns that force me into a spinning vortex of stress and anxiety!! *Falls into a foetal position*

 Sooo, watch this space for these WIPs or ‘Works-In-Progress’!

I’m pumped and ready to get going!

 Have I inspired you to get your unfinished quilts and projects out and onto the road of completion? Let me know and we can discuss our progresses together!

Happy Sewing Friends!! xx

PS. Happy New Year!

Quilting My Guts Out!

Eww…totally gross post title there!

I do humbly apologise, but that was the only way I could explain what’s really happening at the moment…

You see, I’ve set myself a deadline…

'The Happy Quilt'
‘The Happy Quilt’

This quilt must be finished by this Friday!

I’m so over seeing it lying hopelessly unfinished in my sewing room – it deserves to be finished!

And it needed to be finished yesterday!

Well no, not really – that’s just impossible!

'Just Keep Quilting, Just Keep Quilting'
‘Just Keep Quilting, Just Keep Quilting’

I have 25cm (10″) left of quilt surface to finish quilting (it seems like a little, but at the same time it’s a lot – if you know what I mean!) then it’s onto attaching the binding and label!

Then, and only then, can I finally say that this sweet-sweet quilt is finished and I can introduce it to you in its beautiful entirety!

Phew, if only finishing the quilt took as quick as it was to write about it!

The reason why I’m anxious to get it finished is so that I can dive (quite literally) head first into my Handmade Christmas plans.

I’m doing things a little different this year and will be buying a few things BUT these bought items will be packaged/wrapped in ‘handmade’ and they will all be accompanied with a handmade card or swing tag.

I can’t wait to get started!

But this quilt needs to be finished first!

That last 25cm isn’t going to quilt itself (unfortunately!).

Happy Sewing Friends! xx

Two Years Later…

Two years ago, on this very day, I found the guts to start writing a blog.

I was nervous, unsure and a little bit scared at the thought of writing and publishing my own quilty work on the internet.

But I was looking for a challenge, an expressive medium and a chance to reach out to other creatives around the world!

And two years later, here we are! Still writing. Still making. Still challenged!

I thought for today’s post I would look down memory lane of the past year – reflecting on the good (and plain-right exciting!!) things that have happened over the past 12 months!


Main picture: Me with my Minimalist: 101 quilt at the Sydney Craft and Quilt Show – my first ever entry into this show!

From bottom left to top right –

1. Hexie Cushion, detail. (I looove hexies!!)

2. London Phone Booth Embroidery, detail. (I wanna go to London so bad!!)

3. Mini Cot Quilt – hospital donation.

4. Painted Flowers Embroidery. (Click here to watch it come to life!)

5. Double Wrench Mini Blocks, quilt top only (ATM!!)


From left to right –

1. Olfa Rotating Cutting Mat – featured in my 5 Quilting Tools I Couldn’t Live Without post & video.

2. Small Plates Lap Quilt – This quilt featured in my Fast Forward Quilting video!

3. Scrumptious Double Wrench Mini Block units ready to be ironed. (Simply delightful!)

4. Coloured Hexie Stack. (I looove colour!)

5. A snapshot of my Fiskars Rotary Blade – featured in my #instagramjunkie post.


From left to right –

1. An array of fabrics used for Quilt Expo 2013 at Spotlight

2. Xavier’s Baby Quilt – read the post here.

3. Hexie Pincushion (Click here for the video tutorial!)

4. Lovely fabrics used in the Double Wrench Mini Blocks


From left to right –

1. I Heart Colour wallhanging – machine paper pieced wonky log cabin blocks designed by yours truly! Quilt made from 100% scraps – nothing new was bought to make this baby!!

2. Sewing Notions – from the post #instagramjunkie

3. Tape Measure – from the post #instagramjunkie

4. Scissors Embroidery – made specially for my new sewing room door.

5. Scrap-Happy String quilt, detail.

This also happened during the year…

Encouraging blog stats!
Encouraging blog stats!

And this is what happened in my life behind the blog…


Main picture: I became an Auntie again!! My fourth nephew, Xavier, was born in August! (Isn’t he just the cutest!!)

From left to right –

1. I decided to grow my hair out long – I’ve always had it really short (think, pixie/short-bob style for 6 years!) and decided a change was in need! (Change is a good thing, right?)

2. I took my ‘challenge’ mantra to the next level and started making YouTube videos featuring quilty stuff, life stuff and lots of other stuff. (I think of it as a cleansing [and confronting at times] way of finding my self-confidence…). Don’t forget to subscribe while you’re there – it’ll help boost my self-confidence even more!! 😀

3. I drank a lot of tea!


It’s definitely been a busy year!

And I’m thankful it’s been a busy one, otherwise I would’ve just gone insane! Literally…

Thanks to everyone who has ever read my little blog and has left messages of encouragement and support! It really does mean a WHOLE LOT!

I’m terribly excited to see what the next 12 months will bring!!


Happy Sewing Friends! xx

Oh! And one last thing…

This happened during the year too –

My own precious sewing space!!

My place.

My hub.

My den.

My heaven.

Quiet Quilting Days

Over the past few days I’ve been quietly quilting my How Does Your Garden Grow? Competition Quilt – stressfully patiently stitching row after row after row after row…

I’m three quarters of the way through and I’m really happy with how it’s working out.

With a big satisfying grin on my face, I find my self stopping mid sew now and again just to run my hand over the texture that the stitched lines have created.

I hope to get started quilting on the last quarter either tonight or tomorrow morning, with the goal of finishing all the quilting by days end tomorrow. Then it’s onto making the rod pocket and attaching the bias binding.

Yay, the finish line is in sight! (I’ve watching too much of the Olympics!)

Happy Sewing!! xx

I love my job!

Each freezing winter morning over the past week, I’ve reluctantly rolled out of bed with a heavy sigh, blasted my self with a welcoming stream of hot water in the shower, eaten my toast and then drunk a mug of delightful green tea – all to prepare myself for a wonderful day of sewing! With a skip, jump and a beaming smile I immerse myself into my wonderful world of fabrics, threads, needles and scissors!

First of all, I finished my friends Butterfly Cot Quilt and sent it out earlier this week. Beautiful baby Alena Grace was born 26th June and is just the sweetest little thing ever! A BIG congratulations to the proud Mumma and her family!!

I’m so thrilled with how well the Stippling came out and how it adds character and depth to the over-all theme of the quilt. Yay!

It’s July! Which means with a new month comes two new Craftsy BOMs! This month was discovering how to do traditional and modern Dresden Plates or Wheels.

I have done a few Dresdens before in the past but it’s always handy to see how others tackle them – with no doubt you always end up learning something new!

Progress is definitely happening with the How Does Your Garden Grow? competition quilt. It’s coming together a lot faster than I had anticipated but that’s always a good thing, I guess.

I’ve set myself a goal to finish hand piecing together the quilt top by the end of the day – even that means sitting up until midnight!

As always, to feed my constant need to continuously start something new, I dug out of my stash a Charm Pack that I’ve being dying to find a use for and started to cut and sew them into HST ready to piece them together to either make a chevron inspired table runner or door hanging….

The fabrics are from a Moda range called Half Moon Modern. I loved the colours and prints as soon as I saw them. I’m giddy with excitement for the finished product!

Now it’s time to turn the heater on, pour myself a nice cuppa, insert a good DVD and finish hand piecing my competition quilt. Here’s to a productive afternoon – or should I say ‘crafter-noon’!

Happy Sewing!! xx


I can hardly contain my excitement, as I am, at this very moment, writing this blog post on my new, very shiny, extremely fast, super-dooper awesome iMac! OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS THING! Although most of the time I have no idea what I’m doing or where to find anything on the desktop, I’m having the best time exploring the cool little short cuts, simple apps that make life insane and being blown away by the awesome little touch-track mouse that is so incredible to use! In my opinion: BEST PURCHASE EVER!

With all the refreshing spare time I have on my hands now, I made a start on my How Does Your Garden Grow? competition quilt. The final decision on how to construct this quilt came down to paper piecing. Over the past three to four days I’ve been constructing plans, drawing up the final design, cutting out the pieces, tacking on fabric and sewing all the pieces back to one another by hand. All I can say is thank goodness for my 10 series collection of Friends that has gotten me through the mundaneness of repeating the same steps over and over and over again!! When the quilt is all finished, I’ll post up a How it was Made blog showing you the different steps I took to make it. Here are a few photos I’ve taken over the last few days….

I’ve also taken the time to start a friends Gumnut Babies quilt. I’ve made it with giant half-square triangles (HST) that then makes a Giant Square block – equaling the quilt top. I’ve used a few co-ordinating fabrics from own stash to mix up the prints and hope to make my first pieced-back with the left over Gumnut Babies fabrics.

Over the weekend, I took the plunge and re-organised my sewing area – it was in desperate need of a tidy and re-vamp! I sorted a quarter of the fabrics that I have on show into colour bundles, folded them nicely and stacked them in colour order in of many bookshelves.

I also sorted out my quilting/fabric/crafty related books and recycled a whole lot of quilting magazines that I haven’t read or referred to since I bought them like three years ago!

You never realized just how much crap you actually have that is cluttering up your shelves until you pull it all out and then regret you even started!

Happy Sewing! xx