TUTORIAL | The Plus-Sign Block

I present to you another one of my Quilt Block Tutorial videos!

When I’m browsing on Pinterest (which is practically all the time!), I always seem to come across beautiful quilts made with this block.

Links to these quilts are at the end of this post!
Links to these quilts are at the end of this post!

And they’re always so pretty and effective!

I ummed-and-aahhed between calling this block the Plus-Sign or (Modern) Crosses block as it can be referred to as both these names.

In the end, I settled on the Plus-Sign block as this particular design looks more like a plus-sign (+) than a cross (x).

Lately, I’ve been receiving some wonderful and very encouraging feedback about my tutorials (which I love!) and in the way that I present them.

People are torn between the narrative style I’ve done in the past and the annotated versions I’ve been doing of late.

Let me know what you think!

I would love to know where and what I can improve on to help you understand and enjoy my video tutorials!

The next video tutorial in the works is a Foundation Paper-Piecing idea that I said I would do in my Craft Haul video!

I’m super-super excited to get that underway!

So I here I leave you for the day…

I wish you all a splendid weekend!!

Happy Sewing Friends! xx


The quilt by cluckclucksew

The quilt by Custard Bean

The quilt by allbuttonedup

The quilt by craftyblossom

FOR SALE | Little Wallets


I’ve beaten my procrastination and have re-stocked a few new lovely little items in my madeit shop!


These little wallets have been on the go for the past month or so and have been ever-so-patient in getting finished.

During Construction!
During Construction!

I’ve listed them at $12 each with FREE postage!

Unfortunately, you can only purchase these if you live in Australia 😦

So go on, check them out – they’re the perfect size to fit in a little clutch bag when out for the evening or great to take with you if you’re popping down to the local shop or even when your on the way to pick the kidlets up from school!

Finished Little Wallets
Finished Little Wallets

If these babies go down a treat, I may be tempted to make more…lots more!

(Ok, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves!)

I hope you are all having a lovely Thursday – only two more sleeps until weekend crafting can commence!!


Happy Sewing Friends!! xx

PS. If you missed the shop link at the start of the post, you can also get there by

1. Clicking the ‘Visit My Madeit Shop’ widget to the right


2. Scroll up to the top and click on SHOP – the link will also be there!

Mini Craft Haul!

I’ve been buying so many quilting gadgets and sewing accessories over the past month or so (who doesn’t, right?!), that I wanted to share a few of them with you in something that I call:

A Craft Haul!


Item #1

‘The Quilting Answer Book’ | Barbara Weiland Talbert

I discovered this little beauty of a book in one of my local bookshops and immediately knew it was coming home with me!


I had a good little flick through it to see what it was all about…

It begins with the basic questions and answers that all newbie quilters begin with regarding fabrics, batting, tools/accessories as well as cutting, piecing and pressing and how a quilt is assembled etc.

The book also delves into answering the deeper and more advanced techniques of quilting like applique, quilting techniques and skills, embellishments, calculating your own block designs and more!

The book has been set out into easy to find and read sections that have informative diagrams and images to follow along with.

[CLICK HERE] To see more information about this book!

Item #2

Fiskars Self-Healing Double-Sided Cutting Mat | 18x24inches

I had been saving like mad and keeping my patience hat on, waiting to get this.

My previous cutting mat was getting a bit ‘rough-around-the-edges’, both sides. Because I was really impressed by the quality and features of that Fiskars cutting mat, I was on the look out for a good sale price (these baby’s aren’t cheap!).

Eventually my patience was rewarded with a 40% off Fiskars Quilting Tools sale at Spotlight! Cha-Ching!


The thing that I especially love about the Fiskars Mats is that they have the 1/8th” measurement lines as well as a dotted lines in between the solids so that accurate measuring and cutting is a breeze!


Item #3

Sew Easy Patchwork Ruler | 14×4.5inches

While I was ‘treating’ myself to a new cutting mat, I also purchased another quilting ruler.


I was looking for another one of those ‘basic’ types of rulers that can be used when measuring and cutting anything.

This particular ruler is slightly longer than the previous one I was using (tick!) and features the all-important imperial measurements (tick!).

Item #4

Clover Tracing Wheel | With Serrated Edges


When I do paper-piecing, I like to perforate the lines that I’ll be sewing over by guiding the paper through an unthreaded sewing machine. This perforation helps when tearing the paper off in the later stages of the block construction.

To avoid this time consuming step, I bought a serrated edge tracing wheel that will, hopefully, do the same kind of job as the sewing machine.

I’m yet to trial this method out so I can’t really say whether this will work with much success! I’ll keep you posted!


Item #5

Pink Thread Snips | With anti-slip grip handle

I like using these types of thread cutters. I find that they’re quicker to pick up and use and the point at the end of blade cuts closer to the surface.


These particular thread snips are unbranded and were on the cheap side, so how well they’ll work and how long they’ll last is anyone’s guess!


Item #6

‘PaintBox’ Collection by Cynthia Rowley | ‘Prism’, 50x112cm


Gosh I love this fabric! I’m sucker for anything with crisp geometric forms and bold intense colours.

As you may know, I’m using this print as the feature in my Friendship Star Quilt. Initially I only got about half-a-metre (50cm) from the meterage and realised it wouldn’t quite be enough for what I was doing (don’t you hate it when that happens!?). So I bought another 50cm for when I need it – and I will!

This print was part of a super-swish collection from Cynthia Rowley that I purchased from Spotlight. The other designs in the range are all insanely beautiful and fun…I wish I was a millionaire so I could buy them all!

Item #7

Black Acrylic Chalk Board Paint | Typo, 250ml

I’d been searching around for chalkboard paint for ages until I very randomly came across this sweet little tin in one of my favourite stationary stores.


I was happy with the price ($9.95) and the size, so I got it!

I haven’t used this product yet, so again, I’m not sure of the quality that lies within… However, I’m always on Pinterest, so I’m sure I’ll come across a brilliant craft idea to try it out on! I’ll share that too when the time comes!

I also filmed a video of me chatting about all of these products on my YouTube Channel!

All of these products, except the book and chalkboard paint, I purchased at Spotlight – usually when there was a catalogue sale or storewide sale.

I haven’t been paid or asked to review/chat/share these items. Everything written is my own opinion, experience and thought.

Moving on, I have new quilt block tutorial coming out later this week!!

Here’s a little glimpse…

Mystery Block...
Mystery Block…

Ooo, what could it be!?!?

Stay tuned for more!

Happy Sewing Friends!


PS. You can also find more of me, my work and patchworky dreams here –

TWITTER | https://twitter.com/3and3quarters

INSTAGRAM | http://instagram.com/3and3quarters

PINTEREST | http://www.pinterest.com/3and3quarters/boards/

TUMBLR | http://amandarolfe.tumblr.com


Procrastination: Nailed it!?

In my opinion, I’ve been very good in getting up to date with all my uni work: that is – readings, meeting first assessment deadlines, homework tasks etc.

(A big pat on the back for me!!)

But today on the other hand, procrastination has set in.

And to fill that space I’m making some quilt labels! Yay!

(And listening to One Direction – Midnight Memoorriieess!)

I’ve literally been working my fingers to the bone (no, not really) stitching away to get them finished as this coming Friday is the day for my Sydney Easter Show entries to be dropped off.

The Happy Quilt & Show Worthy Quilt Labels
The Happy Quilt & Show Worthy Quilt Labels

I also still need to make and attach a rod pocket to the back of my Happy Quilt so that it can be hung!

AND the fact that I have two pretty major-ish assessments due this week makes the next 7 days or so a little bit scary to face…

(Hence my Sunday procrastination phase!)

Plus, add on everything else that happens in a week of my life and you’ll be where my head space is at!

So perhaps I should shake myself out of this little procrastination slump and get things going…

Oh, but…must I really…??

I’d much rather stay in my little quilting bubble where everything is happy and carefree…



Textbooks and Microsoft Word are coming out to play…

HSF! xx

PS. I also hope to film another block tutorial sometime this week or this coming weekend. Only something quick-ish and simple. That way I can get it edited and published lickety-split! 🙂

TUTORIAL | Friendship Star Block

Over the weekend, I pushed everything I should’ve been doing to one side and concentrated on getting this video out!

And now it’s finally here!

So enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy!

Happy Sewing Friends!! xx

I’m in love!


I’ve fallen head over heels in love with the Friendship Star block.


It’s just so pretty!

Plus the name of it is just simply sweet and deeply symbolic.

I love this block so much that I’ve decided that my next video tutorial will be how to construct this block!

*insert party-whistle sounds*

In an ideal world, I would’ve already had this video underway.

However, life isn’t that fair.

Struggling under a weight of university work, travelling for an hour and a half to and from university and just basically living, I haven’t even had time to properly wash my hair let alone bring my sewing machine back to life.

I freely admit that I’m torn between using my time to do uni work and to sew/film.

My quilting hobby/practice is my life. It’s what I live and breathe for. It’s where I’m most happy. Most safe. Most creative. And, most importantly, 100% free!

So yeah, I’m struggling to put something else other than that first in my life.

The current invisible brick wall that separates me from my practice is a heavy one and I’m losing the spark that helps me keep creative and on my toes…


That just got deep really quickly!

And yet, I feel that I really needed to say it; to get it out of my head and into the void.

I feel ever so lighter…

So for now, six little Friendship Star blocks cling forlorn on my wall as I enter in and out of my Sewing Room.


‘I will get to you, I promise’, I say to myself every time I wistfully look up at them…

And perhaps, someday, I will.

No pressure.

Happy Sewing Friends! xx

The Unexpected Quilt

This past weekend I was invited to demonstrate some quilty techniques and projects at my local Spotlight, in celebration of their National Craft Month.

Although the crowd was small, I had a lovely relaxing time sewing, chatting, learning and sewing some more.

Among many things, I demonstrated how to cut, piece and join these three 9-Patch blocks:

– The Shoofly

– The Snowball

– The Friendship Star

Blog pic 1And it’s with the Friendship Star block that I found myself unexpectedly started a new quilt…

One of the projects I was asked to make was a quilt featuring the Friendship Star block as its focus.

Blog pic 2So I chose these colours: Navy and Cream Homespun paired with an awesome Cynthia Rowley Prism print.

The print fabric really helps the ‘star’ part of the block to pop out! I love it!

blog pic 3So I’m six blocks in from a potential 25 to be made.

I’m not sure when that will actually happen…

Uni started back this week and I’m already crushing under a new wave of assessments and deadlines.

This weekend is out as I’m taking a mini-break to our nation’s capital – Canberra – to get me some culture! (We’ll be visiting lots of art galleries and exhibitions!)

I’m so impatient to get this quilt going, as I know it’ll be a beauty once it’s finished!

Plus I’ve already promised it as a display piece for my lovely friends at Spotlight…

Hmm, I think I see some late nights looming in the future!

Happy Sewing Friends! xx

TUTORIAL | Four Patch Block

Good Morning!!

Here’s another little tutorial for all of you to peruse at…

Do you know of anyone who is just starting out in patchwork and would benefit from watching some quick information-filled video tutorials?

Well, by all means share this with them! I make these tutorials specifically with those people in mind!

See the playlist here to watch more of my quilty tutorials!

On to other things, it’s summing up to be a few busy days of sewing and quilting ahead as I’ve been invited to lead the sewing/patchwork/quilting demonstrations at my local Spotlight store on Saturday as part of their Sewing Fest/Craft Month celebrations!


I’ll be demonstrating basic techniques such as how to quilt and bind a quilt along with how to construct a few selected 9-Patch Blocks designs.

It should be a fun day and I’m really looking forward to it!

Look out for a post some time early next week to see what I got up to that day!

Happy Sewing Friends! xx

‘Golden Trail’ Eye Candy!

My Golden Trail mini quilt is that next step closer to be completed.

All I need to do now is sew on the back: a hanging sleeve and label to be Show ready!


Happy Sewing Friends! xx


Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Oh, something very exciting has happened!

I’ve just signed my blog up onto Bloglovin’!

Screen Shot 2014-02-25 at 8.15.16 PM

Bloglovin‘ is an awesome website where you can keep track of all of your favourite blogs you love to follow in one handy little place!

I’m currently having lots of fun trawling through the DIY & CRAFTS category and finding some awesome new blogs to read!

So much inspiration to be found!!

If you would like to follow me on Bloglovin’, click right here!

Happy Bloglovin’ Friends! xx