My 2018 Sewing Goals

Did you know that 2018 marks my seventh year of blogging?! Seven years! Where has the time gone from when I was a shy 23 year old, tentatively entering the scary waters of online blogging? It seems like a life-time ago!

Anyhoo! A new year has started (even though we’re four months in already!! Eek!) and my precious little blog has been screaming out for some love and attention.

November… November was the last time I sat down, logged on and typed my little heart away catching you all up on my Sewing Room Adventures.

With lots of fun and laughs in between, April (!!) has now rolled around and it’s time to put my 2018 Sewing Goals out into the void, hoping that each one will get accomplished before 2019 creeps up on us!


+ Simple Cross Quilt (My first finish for 2018! Whoo!!) +

What started out as a basic WIP first started in 2016, I dug these blocks out, quickly whipped up another nine to make the quilt top a 5×5 block pattern and as though it was just like over night, the quilt is finished, including a label! (Go me!)

I love everything about this quilt! The colours, the prints, the texture from the quilting, the kitty-cat backing (!!!) and the fun gingham binding finishing it all off.

This had to be one of the easiest and quickest (minus the blocks sitting unfinished for two years!) quilts I’ve ever made and I just adore it!

Wanna make this block?? Click here for the tutorial! (You’re welcome! x)

+ Pixelated Rose Quilt +

This little beauty of quilt has been on the go since May of last year. Over the past 7-8 months, I’ve been chipping away at building each individual block together to make up the whole. And now that all of the blocks have been joined together, a mammoth quilt top that I wasn’t expecting has emerged and the procrastination brakes have been applied at full force!

About a month or so has passed since the top has been finished and low and behold it’s still hanging in the same place (on a side hutch in our kitchen as it’s the only place big enough to house the size of this baby!). Every day I look at it and think, I really need to give this quilt top some more love!

It’s not that I don’t want to finish it… It’s just applying the time to rearranging the whole house to accommodate the size of the quilt so that I can back and baste it and then have the available time and space in my sewing room to get it quilted. (Whew!) I have a lot things happening in my little sewing room, so allotting time/space for sewing, filming tutorials, quilting etc, is a tricky one at best!

BUT, enough with the excuses!! Simple fact of the matter, is that this quilt top needs to be quilted and deserves to be finished (cos it’s soooo pretty!), by me, by at least the end of the year! (That still gives me some wriggle room to procrastinate a little bit more, right?!)

Wanna make this quilt?? Click here for the free downloadable pattern from the Riley Blake website! (You’re welcome! x)

+ Swoon Quilt +

Now this. This is what I’m working on right now and am absolutely LOVING IT!!

For ages I’ve wanted to dive in and make a humongous Swoon Quilt! I’ve lusted and envied over so many beautiful versions of it in my Instagram and Pinterest feeds. This year, I thought, what the heck! Let’s add another make into the mix and see how far I get with it!

You see, one of the main goals I had this year was to simply make more quilts. To find the time to do some more ‘me’ sewing. Projects that I make only for myself without doing a tutorial or some sort step-by-step guide on how to do it. I just wanted a few quilts that I could make for me and my itchy-hands! And this Swoon Quilt represents just that!

So far, I’m 8 blocks in to a 9 block quilt top, using fabrics that just simply catch my eye while making the Swoon design pop from afar!

Wanna make a Swoon Quilt too?? Click here to find the pattern! (You’re welcome! x)

+ Rediscovering ‘Like Diamonds In The Sky’ Quilt Top (Quilt name will be changing!) +

Within the last week or so, I rediscovered an old favourite quilt top that I started sometime in 2014. It features a block that I made as a tutorial on my YouTube channel called the Friendship Star.

I had started quilting this one but ended up really hating the choice of quilting I chose to do. (Free Motion Quilting really isn’t my thing!) I think it’s taken me about three years, on and off, to unpick all of the stitches to free the quilt top from the batting and awful backing fabric I paired with it. (Lot’s of decisions were made with this quilt that were just wrong, wrong, wrong!) Now the time has come to re-write those wrongs and finish this quilt to a beautiful standard that I’m absolutely happy with!

To be honest with you, I actually really love this quilt top. And always have! The blocks are bright and vivid while the overall design is still quite dark and subtle because of the navy solid background. It’s such a perfect balance.

I’m thinking for quilting, just to keep it really simple. Straight-line grid criss-cross across the entire surface (hey, it’s what I do best!) and then do a contrasting binding to bring everything together. Super easy!

Wanna make a Friendship Star block too?? Click here for the tutorial! (You’re welcome! x)

Now, moving onto a few quilts/projects that aren’t in the current making but are the list to do this year…

+ Christmas Quilt +

I am so determined to make a Christmas Quilt this year! If I didn’t have about a gazillion other things on my plate right now, I would’ve started it an hour ago!

Whenever Christmas rolls around, I’m always so bummed that I don’t have a beautiful festive themed quilt to pull out and enjoy throughout the season. (Even though Christmas in Australia is during Summer and having the need for a snuggly heavy quilt anywhere near you is totally out of the question!)

The pattern that I’m itching to start is one by Thimble Blossoms (the same lady who designed the Swoon Block/Quilt) called, Winterville.

It’s such a super cute pattern and I’ve already been collecting little bits of fabric for the houses and little Ohio Star blocks. It’s gonna look great once it’s finished!

+ Christmas Tree Skirt +

Another Christmas project I’ve been wanting to make for years now… A Christmas Tree Skirt!

I came across the perfect pattern quite randomly when I was replenishing our paper patterns stock at work one day. It’s a McCalls’s pattern (M7704) and features the sweetest gingerbread people paired with Christmas Trees and Christmas candies. I just thought the designs together were really lovely and are totally the type of design I love around this time of year.

The pattern looks quite simple and straightforward, with the option to mix lots of designs together into one final skirt for the tree. Perfect!

+ Winter Jacket +

This one was a project I had wanted to make for winter last year (so we’re looking at around May 2017 sometime…) but is yet to leave the bag it came home in!

I think I’ve written about this one before… But anyhoo, I just really wanted to make myself a really nice jacket that I could wear to and from work or on nights out during the colder months. I have made a winter jacket before when I was briefly at uni one year in my mid twenties. But it’s quite amateurish and the fabric I chose is really quite awful. Perfect excuse to make another one, right? Right!

The pattern I hope to make/follow is by Simplicity (1254), is fully lined and has a weird collar/hood thingy that looks intimidating as heck to make!

I’m no dressmaker and possess very little patience for it, but with grit and determination, I’m gonna give it a go and see where I end up!

(Please send chocolate and lots of encouraging hugs! Thanks! x)

+ New Sewing Machine +

So I treated myself to a new sewing machine a few months ago… Yep. All for the sake of being able to quilt my massive Pixelated Rose Quilt that I haven’t started quilting yet.

In all honestly, I was ready for an upgrade. My previous machine (a Brother Innovis 200QE), as brilliant and perfect it is, was becoming a bit too small for the types of quilts I’m moving into making this year. (They’re all big ‘uns! God help me!) My new Brother (a PQ1500SL) is huge! It’s powerful, fast, roomy, does everything I ask of it and more and I just want to use it all day, everyday! (Hence all of these beautiful Swoon Blocks popping up in my Instagram feed!)

If you didn’t see it, I recently filmed a very honest review about this machine on my YouTube channel. (I also did an unboxing vlog too if you’re interested!) I went through the pros and cons I’ve found with the machine along with elements I’ll get used to as I sew with it more. From the comments left on the video, I think it’s been quite insightful for people to watch especially those who were/are planning on buying the same sewing machine.

+ YouTube Catch Up +

While on the subject of my YouTube channel, I’ve been uploading lots since I last wrote on here…

Vlogmas – 2017

We’ve had Christmas where I did a thing called Vlogmas. Basically I vlogged everyday during December right up to Christmas Day (which I also filmed!). I really thought I would struggle do it but I actually really enjoyed it and fell in love with vlogging and creating that kind of content for my channel. Everyone who watched was so supportive and encouraging and I think we kinda bonded a bit more which I love!

In January I went to New Zealand and vlogged it too! I went with my parents and some family friends and had an absolute blast! I can’t wait for the day I get to go back and explore more!

February and March have been a mix of a few more vlogs, some tutorials and stuff all about my new sewing machine!

Over the next few weeks, I’m hoping to launch a new Quilt Along series on my channel (and here on my blog too)! Inspired by a viewer, this time around we’re focusing on mini block designs, with all of the blocks we’ll be making measuring a sweet 5″ square! Each block pattern has been written up and (somewhat) finalised, I have just a few smaller details I need to sort out before realising the series out into the world, block by block as I’ve done in the past.

Stay tuned for that coming very soon!


So that’s everything! It’s been a world-wind few months and so much stuff has been crammed in. (With more to come!)

I’m hoping I’ll also be able to dedicate some more time to writing here, on my blog. I’ve always enjoyed the process of blog writing and feel so relaxed and lighter once I hit that ‘publish’ button. I love sharing what I’m doing and hope to do in my sewing room with you and love hearing the awesome feedback you guys always give me!

Let’s make 2018 a productive one full of lots more quilts, crafty projects and good times with family and friends!

Happy Sewing, Friends!


HST Sampler Quilt | BLOCK #4: Friendship Star


Yay! It’s Friday!

(Happy Dance!)

Let’s end the week on a high with Block Four in my Quilt Along series – the Friendship Star!

I absolutely love this block! I have done since I made this quilt top using this fun little block! I’ve had a few issues with the quilting on this one and it’s currently in the process of having all of the quilted stitches unpicked by hand because I hated the FMQ job I did on it! I’m sure one day I’ll get around to re-quilting it and placing it on a bed or on the back of lounge so that it be used for cuddling under!

If you click on the pattern sheet linked at the top of this post, you’ll be able to find a full list of all of the measurements and cutting info, along with the fabrics* I’ve used to piece this block together! If you would like to use the same 12.5″ set square as me, you can find it here: June Tailor Get-Squared 12.5″ Ruler.


I wish you all the most loveliest of weekends, wherever you are in the world! I hope you all enjoy making the blocks from this week and are ready to discover two more HST delights next week!

Keep sharing your blocks! I love seeing them!

Share here:

Instagram: @3and3quarters (PS. If your account is private, I won’t be able to see your block/s!)

Twitter: @3and3quarters



Happy Sewing, Friends!!


*A big thanks to Australian wholesale supplier and fabric distributer Dayview Textiles for supplying me with such beautiful fabrics! If you want to see all of the fabrics I’ll be using in this Quilt Along, check out this post where I share them all with you!

An Update From My Sewing Room… #4

Woah! Talk about blog neglect! It feels like ages since I last posted! Safe to say, lots of busy things have been happening in this little room of mine and I’ve finally found the time to tell you all about it!


First off, I took a day last week to finish one of the two baby quilts I’ve been currently making. It was this one with the little Pinwheels in the centre…


Because of the design I chose to quilt, it only took me a few hours to get all of the quilting finished! Yay! And I just have to say, I absolutely love how it’s come together!

When I was quilting, I took the opportunity to use a special tool I had recently purchased to help mark and quilt straighter lines. It’s called a Clover Hera Marker. It’s an awesome little tool that helps to ‘mark’ or ‘bruise’ lines into the fabric so that you can either follow them, match them up with another point or sew over.


Since using it, I’ve seen a definite improvement in my quilting and how neat my lines seem to be. If you’re having issues with quilting straight lines, I would 100% recommend you to use this tool to help you out! It’s brilliant!

Tomorrow I’m hoping to retreat back into my room and get the second baby quilt finished! This is the one with all of those super-sweet Granny Squares blocks that I’ve fallen head-over-heels for! It’s such a cute little quilt and I can’t wait to see what it looks like once finished!!


During my ‘down-time’, I’ve been very patiently unpicking the horrible FMQ mess I made to my ‘Like Diamonds In The Sky Quilt’ sometime last year.


When I posted this picture on Instagram and Facebook, I had so many lovely comments from you asking what was wrong with it as you all thought it looked okay… Well, that was so super-nice of you all to say that, but to me, the stitching just doesn’t suit at all! It’s way too busy and ‘messy’ looking for the overall feel of the quilt. The squiggly stippling line clashes with the already busy layout of the quilt top and geo-print fabric I used and I now can’t stand the floral fabric I used as the backing! Urgh, what was I thinking! Nah, everything about it I just hate and it absolutely needs to come out!

So almost every night for the past week or so, I’ve been unpicking, unpicking and unpicking while watching either Game of Thrones or Studio Ghibli movies like Laputa: Castle in the Sky, The Wind Rises and Kiki’s Delivery Service! And even now as I write this, there’s still more to unpick! Phew!

But with patience and a good cuppa to the side, I’ll get there and I’ll be so much happier with it once it’s free and can be made into the beautiful quilt that it is! And also, in a bit of an odd way, I’m finding unpicking the stitches quite relaxing and strangely hypnotic… It gives me a chance to just sit and think about things while keeping my fingers busy… So it’s not all bad! 😀


Another thing that happened last week was the opening of my Etsy shop! Hoorah!!


In there at the moment are a few Little Wallets that I always love making and usually sell the best, plus a sweet baby quilt perfect for any new little girl in world!

I have a few new Little Purses that are almost ready to go on sale and another little quilt that I only just started yesterday afternoon.


I’ve even already got a name for it: “The Stash Quilt’, as all of the 2.5” squares have come from my stash of scraps! There are fabrics in there that I had completely forgotten about and swooned all over them as I pulled them out! I love it when that happens!! So once I’ve got all of these little squares pieced together, I’ll sash it with either a white or cream homespun cut at 10″ or 15″ and then get quilting it!

You know, I just had a thought… This ‘to-be quilt’ reminds me so much of those I-Spy Quilts that are made for kids! There are so many great little prints to search for and discover! Love it!


And finally, over the past few weeks I’ve been working on a video tutorial that seems to be taking forever to edit and perfect! It’s all about how to make one of those simple half-aprons using just one fabric.


The bulk of the video has been edited, but it’s just the little cutaway parts of the finished project and my speaky-bit at the start and end that need to be filmed and added. I just haven’t found the right time to get it done! Plus our internet is having issues at the moment, so uploading a high-def 10 minute video will literally take the rest of the year to upload! That’s how bad it is!! And I’m still also tossing up whether I need to write a pattern for it, as it could be possible for people to get a little lost in what needs to be done, especially during the cutting step… But apart from all of that,  I should have it ready to go up by Friday! (I’ve decided to change my upload day from Sundays to Fridays. I’ll be posting another video soon explaining why this is!)


Now, I think that’s everything up to date in what’s been happening in and out of my sewing room…

I’m curious (and nosey), what have you been up to in your sewing/quilting/crafting adventures?? You’re more than welcome to leave a comment letting me know!

Happy Sewing, Friends!


PS. I can now finally share with you the little mini quilt I made using the block I made in my Diamond Square Block tutorial!


During the past week I held a little giveaway on my YouTube channel as a thank you for 5000 subscribers, and this mini was part of the main prize! Sadly, the giveaway is now closed, the winners have been announced and all prizes are on their way!

Thank you to everyone who entered!!


‘Like Diamonds In The Sky’

I’ve been a busy little bunny these past few days.

And I can finally present to you a finished quilt top!

Friendship Star Quilt Top

Friendship Star Quilt Top 2

I like to the think of the star blocks as

‘Like Diamonds In The Sky’

So pretty!

Admittedly, the whole thing needs a good press – especially around the edged sashing – but still, it looks good!

 So it’s now onto the next stage!


I used to dread when it came to this part…

Lying all over the floor and busting my back sticking pins into a quilt. It’s wasn’t my cup-of-tea so to speak.

But to the rescue came Quilt Basting Spray!

And now, what was a whole day job has become a 15 minute job! (That is: basting and ironing times combined together!)

blog9 I plan to back the quilt with this floral print that I have literally a whole ton of and am desperate to use up as quickly as possible! And then bind it with the white/navy stripes.

 I’m also trying something new with the thread I’ll be using to stitch my quilty lines.

I’m going to give this a go…


It’s a spool of Gutermann Sulky Machine Embroidery thread (100% Cotton) that has variegated shades of navy blue/turquoise/purple/maroon.

I’m hoping the shades will blend well with the fabrics that make up the quilt top.

Although the thread seems a little thick than usual, I have my fingers crossed that my machine can take it and feed it through evenly enough as we go along!

 So for the rest of the week (and no doubt the weekend too!), I hope to be parked permanently in front of my sewing machine!



Happy Sewing!


5 Things I’m Loving Right Now!



Over the weekend, I managed to squeeze in some time to start a new embroidery project.

I can’t remember the last time I had a needlepoint project on the go – I think it may’ve been sometime before Christmas…??

I was inspired to get back to the hoop when I re-watched a video I made last year called Stop-Motion Embroidery, where I took a photo of my work in-progress every two minutes.

It actually turned out to be a pretty rad little film – so now I’m motivated to do the same thing with this project.

This is currently where I’m up to…


I’ve limited the colour palette to just pinks and reds – an unlikely challenge if I may say so myself!

I have no idea how long this little side venture will take me to complete.

But know this: I’ll definitely be posting the final embroidery and video right here once it’s done!



{My Easter Show Ribbon}

In Sydney Australia, during two weeks around Easter, there is a huge Agriculture, Food and Crafts show called the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

This is a huge affair in the Sydney (and neighbouring rural districts) social calendar and is a highly prestigious show that spans back over a hundred years or so.

(You may have seen a certain Royal Couple visit this in the last week or so…!)

So to join in on the festivities and atmosphere, I entered in a few of my favourite quilts and one of my embroideries.

To my surprise, one of my quilts received an elusive Easter Show Ribbon!

IMG_2656My darling ‘Happy Quilt’ won me a beautiful Highly Commended ribbon!

I was and still am totally stoked that one of my quilts is of Ribbon Winning quality!

Happy! Happy! Happy!





I’m so lucky to have the opportunity to be able to spend a lot of time with my four nephews each week as they only live (quite literally) down the street.

The oldest is six turning seven in May and the youngest is only a darling eight months old.

Each one of them possesses a one-of-a-kind cheeky and super-cute personality.

They also love being typical boys – playing LEGO and video games, watching Adventure Time (which this Auntie LOVES!!), eating tons of chocolate and generally getting into anything they can get their hands on!

The minute I came across this image on Pinterest…

Source | Pinterest

I immediately thought of those four little men!

(In a loving and precious kinda of way of course!)



{British Invasion Fabric Range by Riley Blake Designs}

Source | Riley Blake
Source | Riley Blake

If you’re new to reading my blog you may not know the love I have for all things British!

So when I heard that Riley Blake was bringing out a collection with all things typically Britishy, I flipped my lid!

I literally went into ‘fan-girl’ mode and swooned over all of the prints in the collection!

I’m really hoping I can get my hands on a Fat Quarter stack at the up and coming Sydney Craft and Quilt Show in July!!

I want it so bad!!



Sadly, here in Australia, we’ve waved goodbye to summer and are currently in the thick of a chilly start to autumn.

It seems like the weather has gone from hot to bitterly cold over night!

However, with the colder weather comes an outbreak of tea-sipping fever!


One of the best things I love to do in the whole wide world is to make a cup of tea, snuggle under a quilt, pop on a good DVD and gobble down some good quality chocolate!

Ahh, heaven!

Over the last few weeks I’ve been enjoying a good brew of English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Peppermint and Green (with lemon) teas.


And onto other things…

My goal for this week is to finish the quilt top of my Friendship Star Quilt (only four more blocks to go! Whoo!) and maybe even get some quilting done on my New Year Resolutions WIPs

In an odd kinda way, I feel slightly guilty for not spending time on getting my WIPs done when I was keen-as-mustard to do so at the start of the year.

My time and efforts have been diverged onto other projects and ideas over the last few months that these WIPs are literally (and typically) sitting lonely in one corner of my sewing room.

So, the intention is there…

Hopefully it gets fulfilled!

Happy Sewing Friends! xx

When life gives you lemons…

…you make a soothingly warm lemony drink powerful enough to banish all unwanted weekend sniffles.


Yes, that’s right, all my weekend plans went out the window when I was struck down by one of those pesky not-yet-a-head-cold-but-soon-will-be yucky feelings.

So I pumped my body full of some good ole vitamin C, a healthy dose of Ibuprofen and snuggled down under a quilt with a book: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.

And blamed the abrupt change of the weather for my sudden bout of illness!

One day it’s hot and sunny, the next cold and rainy – welcome to autumn: Australian style!

Anyway, enough about feeling sorry for myself…

I had planned for the weekend to begin filming a video tutorial (VT) I had promised about Foundation Paper Piecing – obviously didn’t happen – as well as to continue on my way with my Friendship Star blocks.

Foundation Paper Piecing Video Tutorial | Pattern Sneak Peek!
Foundation Paper Piecing Video Tutorial | Pattern Sneak Peek!

Now the latter did happen: four more pretty little blocks are adorning my design wall, giving me ample encouragement to keep-on-keeping-on with this quilt because the end result is going to be FABULOUS!!

(If I may say so myself!)

Top: 14 blocks completed! Bottom: The perspective shot!
Top: 14 blocks completed!
Bottom: The perspective shot!

So the next few days I hope to concentrate on getting said VT on it’s way, taking onboard all of your wonderful suggestions, thoughts and opinions on how I can improve and make my VTs better for you to watch and learn from.

Until then,

Bon Oui* lovely friends! xx


*Good Night! (French)

Friday Equals Sewing Day!!

Aren’t Fridays wonderful!?

They’re like an open window: you look through and see the shinning hope of what the weekend will entail!

For me I’m fortunate to have Friday as an extra sewing day.

And that’s exactly what’s happening on this crisp autumn afternoon!

I’ve been itching for a spare bit of time to crack on with my Friendship Star Quilt.

So far I’ve made 10 blocks and need to complete another 15 before I can begin piecing them together to finish the quilt top.

Today I’ve cut and pieced HSTs etc. ready to piece together at least another 4 or 5 blocks.



blogpic3I don’t know why but I seem to have this odd habit of cutting out only enough fabric to piece together 4 or 5 blocks at one time. I never cut out everything before I start. I think I’m always wary of getting stung by cutting too much and essentially wasting fabric that I could’ve used for another project.

Surely, I’m not the only one who does/thinks this…??

So, I’m in a ‘slow-pace’ kinda mood today, meaning I’ll possibly play a little bit of Passenger (my ultimate favourite singer/songwriter) and simply take my time getting these sweet little beauties done.

Heaven is right where I am this afternoon! 🙂

Happy Sewing Friends!! xx

TUTORIAL | Friendship Star Block

Over the weekend, I pushed everything I should’ve been doing to one side and concentrated on getting this video out!

And now it’s finally here!

So enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy!

Happy Sewing Friends!! xx

I’m in love!


I’ve fallen head over heels in love with the Friendship Star block.


It’s just so pretty!

Plus the name of it is just simply sweet and deeply symbolic.

I love this block so much that I’ve decided that my next video tutorial will be how to construct this block!

*insert party-whistle sounds*

In an ideal world, I would’ve already had this video underway.

However, life isn’t that fair.

Struggling under a weight of university work, travelling for an hour and a half to and from university and just basically living, I haven’t even had time to properly wash my hair let alone bring my sewing machine back to life.

I freely admit that I’m torn between using my time to do uni work and to sew/film.

My quilting hobby/practice is my life. It’s what I live and breathe for. It’s where I’m most happy. Most safe. Most creative. And, most importantly, 100% free!

So yeah, I’m struggling to put something else other than that first in my life.

The current invisible brick wall that separates me from my practice is a heavy one and I’m losing the spark that helps me keep creative and on my toes…


That just got deep really quickly!

And yet, I feel that I really needed to say it; to get it out of my head and into the void.

I feel ever so lighter…

So for now, six little Friendship Star blocks cling forlorn on my wall as I enter in and out of my Sewing Room.


‘I will get to you, I promise’, I say to myself every time I wistfully look up at them…

And perhaps, someday, I will.

No pressure.

Happy Sewing Friends! xx

The Unexpected Quilt

This past weekend I was invited to demonstrate some quilty techniques and projects at my local Spotlight, in celebration of their National Craft Month.

Although the crowd was small, I had a lovely relaxing time sewing, chatting, learning and sewing some more.

Among many things, I demonstrated how to cut, piece and join these three 9-Patch blocks:

– The Shoofly

– The Snowball

– The Friendship Star

Blog pic 1And it’s with the Friendship Star block that I found myself unexpectedly started a new quilt…

One of the projects I was asked to make was a quilt featuring the Friendship Star block as its focus.

Blog pic 2So I chose these colours: Navy and Cream Homespun paired with an awesome Cynthia Rowley Prism print.

The print fabric really helps the ‘star’ part of the block to pop out! I love it!

blog pic 3So I’m six blocks in from a potential 25 to be made.

I’m not sure when that will actually happen…

Uni started back this week and I’m already crushing under a new wave of assessments and deadlines.

This weekend is out as I’m taking a mini-break to our nation’s capital – Canberra – to get me some culture! (We’ll be visiting lots of art galleries and exhibitions!)

I’m so impatient to get this quilt going, as I know it’ll be a beauty once it’s finished!

Plus I’ve already promised it as a display piece for my lovely friends at Spotlight…

Hmm, I think I see some late nights looming in the future!

Happy Sewing Friends! xx